
3 페이지 까지 제공됩니다.
“항공기 날개골의 종류 및 항공기에 작용하는 힘의 종류”를 그림과 특징에 대하여 영문으로 간단히 소개하시오
등록인 jaemin98729
등록/수정일 20.11.22 / 20.11.22
문서분량 6 페이지
다운로드 2
- 같은분야 연관자료
- 보고서설명
- 목차
1. 서론
2. 본론
① 항공기 날개골의 종류
② 항공기의 작용하는 힘의 종류
3. 결론
4. 참고문헌
- 본문일부/목차
- 1. 서론
The wingbone is an important factor in determining the air force characteristics of an airplanes wing. There are many types of wing bones, but it was by NACA, the predecessor of the U.S. space agency, that systematically designed them. Currently, most of the wing bones are classified as four-way, five-way, six-way and supersonic wing bones, which are called NACA standard wing bones. The forces acting on an airplane are the gravitational force equal to its own weight and the opposite direction, the thrust that causes it to move forward, and the drag that has the same thrust and size and the opposite direction in a horizontal isometric flight.
2. 본론
① Type of aircraft airfoil The type of airfoil can be divided into four-character, five-character, six-character, and supersonic.
NACA 4-digit airfoil, for example, represents the shape of the airfoil in four numbers, as shown in NACA 4415. The first digit in the number after the preceding symbol NACA represents the maximum camper of the average camper line, where the maximum camper is 4 percent of the protest length. The second position indicates the location of the maximum camp, which means that the maximum camp is located at 40% of the length of the protest from the front. The last two digits represent maximum thickness, which in this example means that the maximum thickness of the airfoil is 15 percent of the length of the protest.
NACA five-digit airfoil is different from NACA four-digit airfoil, which is the form of average camber wires, with the front part being a tricycle parabola and the rear part being a straight line. For example, NACA 23015, the meaning of each number is, firstly, the location of the maximum campus of the average camper line is twice
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