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투자공학 financial economics bodie merton cleeton 7 8 9 10 장 문제풀이
투자공학 financial econo.hwp
등록인 repojaehoon
등록/수정일 17.03.02 / 17.03.02
문서분량 8 페이지
다운로드 0
- 같은분야 연관자료
- 보고서설명
- 투자공학 financial economics bodie merton cleeton 7 8 9 10 장 문제풀이
10. Suppose the price of gold is $755 per ounce.
14. Suppose you own a home that you purchased four years ago for $475,000. The tax assessor’s office has just informed you that they are increasing the taxable value of your home to $525,000.
3. Suppose you observe the following prices for zero-coupon bonds (pure discount bonds) that have no risk of default:
11. Suppose you want to know the price of a 10-year 7% coupon Treasury bond that pays interest annually.
16. You would like to create a 2-year synthetic zero-coupon bond. Assume you are aware of the following information: 1-year zero- coupon bonds are trading for $0.93 per dollar of face value and 2-year 7% coupon bonds (annual payments) are selling at $985.30 (Face value = $1,000).
20. Challenge Problem: Suppose that the yield curve on dollar bonds that are free of the risk of default is flat at 6% per year. A 2-year 10% coupon bond (with annua
- 본문일부/목차
- 10. Suppose the price of gold is $755 per ounce.
a. If the pound sterling price of gold is £500 per ounce, what should you expect the pound price of a dollar to be?
As the gold values are same in both country. 1= so, =0.6623£
It is expected £0.6623 per a dollar
b. If it actually only costs £0.60 to purchase a dollar, how could one make arbitrage profits?
£0.60(real price) is less than 0.6623£(expected price).
It means it is more expensive.
So, assume that I have $X.
1) buy all gold as possible ->X/755 ounce gold.
2) sell gold to pound -> £X/755*500
3) change pound to dollar. -> $X/755*500/0.6 = $1.1038X
So, I can make $X to $1.1038X.
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