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투자공학 financial economics bodie merton cleeton 9장 설명
투자공학 financial econo.hwp
등록인 repojaehoon
등록/수정일 17.03.02 / 17.03.02
문서분량 2 페이지
다운로드 0
- 같은분야 연관자료
- 보고서설명
- 투자공학 financial economics bodie merton cleeton 9장 설명
1. Explain the purpose of a discounted-dividend model.
2. What is the market capitalization rate?
3. Explain how investment opportunities affect the value of a company.
4. Does repurchase of stock can affect shareholder wealth? How about stock dividends?
5. How differently does the dividend policy in the real world have effect on the wealth of shareholders compared to the one in a frictionless environment?
- 본문일부/목차
- Answer the following questions briefly.
1. Explain the purpose of a discounted-dividend model. The discounted-dividend model (DDM) is a method of valuing a companys stock price based on the theory that its stock is worth the sum of all of its future dividend payments, discounted back to their present value. It is useful method to understand.
2. What is the market capitalization rate?The ratio between the net operating income produced by an asset and its capital cost (the original price paid to buy the asset) or alternatively its current market value. That is the rate a investor expect how much he want. And it is used to compute current value from future expected value.
- 연관검색어
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