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  • 사회과학계열
  • Human rights issues of North Korean refugees

  • Human rights issues.doc
  • 등록인 coldsummer
  • 등록/수정일 15.08.05 / 15.08.05
  • 문서분량 56 페이지
  • 다운로드 0
  • 구매평가
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영국 런던대학교에서 북한 난민의 인권문제를 주제로 작성한 졸업논문입니다. 담당 교수님으로부터 구성과 내용면에서 좋다는 평가를 받았으며 북한 탈북자가 난민의 지위를 받아야 하는 정당성을 피력하였습니다.

우선 난민의 지위와 국제법상의 기본개념부터 잡아들어가기 시작했으며 본문에서는 한국과 중국, 미국, 영국의 북한 난민 정책에 대한 입장을 상세히 적었습니다.
Introduction 5
 Chapter 1
1.1 Concept of basic human rights 9
1.2 Concept of refugees and human rights of refugees 14
1.3 Eligibility of North Korean defectors as refugees 17
 Chapter 2
International instruments on human rights of refugees 21
 Chapter 3
3.1 China’s response toward North Korean refugees 25
3.2 United States’ response toward North Korean refugees 32
3.3 United Kingdom’s response toward North Korean refugees 37
3.4 South Korea’s response toward North Korean refugees 41
 Conclusion 46

Appendix Map of North Korea

This paper deals with human rights issues of North Korean refugees. In fact, it tries to analyse to what extent four concerned states, such as China, the U.S., the U.K. and South Korean comply with international instruments on human rights and refugees in order to protect North Korean refugees and their basic human rights. North Korean defectors are eligible for refugee status because returned defectors face harsh penalties and they fled from severe famine, which amounts to political persecution. There are many international instruments on human rights and refugees and the four concerned states are State Parties to most of the instruments. However, the degree of those states’ compliance with the instruments is varied and a bit disappointing. China views North Korean defectors as illegal economic immigrants and repatriate them to North Korea. Such a practice is against 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol, which is the most principal refugee instrument. In addition, basic human rights violations of North Korean defectors in China are serious and the country is violating other international instruments to a great extent. The U.S. and the U.K. consider that North Korean defectors are eligible for asylum seekers.
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