
3 페이지 까지 제공됩니다.
2015년 1학기 시사영어 기말시험 핵심체크
등록인 knouzone
등록/수정일 15.06.23 / 15.06.18
문서분량 33 페이지
다운로드 0
- 같은분야 연관자료
- 보고서설명
- 10. Fed:Slower growth, rising prices slam economy
12. Budget woes force cuts in summer-school programs
14. Health: Official letters to warn parents if their child is obese or overweight
16. Pope urges Australian youths to spurn materialism
18. Web networking photos come back to bite defendants
20. Common-sense actions cut falls in elderly:study
22. LPGA backs down on English requirement
24. Friend or foe? crows never forget a face, it seems
26. Mars mystery deepens, but life hasn``t appeared
28. Vitamin D may help curb breast cancer, study finds
30. Hollywood seems to show vulnerability to recession
32. As women progress in developing nations, so do those countries`` economies
34. PC owners urged to manage power use and save money
36. Invisibility cloak one step closer, scientists say
38. Early childhood factors raise risk for snoring
* 각 장별 출제예상문제 제공(해설포함) *
- 본문일부/목차
- 제10과 Fed: Slower growth, rising prices slam economy
[본문 보충해설]
-교재 58쪽 해설-
Wed, July 23, 2008 / 2008년 7월 23일 수요일
By Jeannine Aversa, AP Economics Writer
1.slog through: ~속을 힘들여 걷다
3. people and businesses alike: A and B alike "A도 B도“
5. snapshot: 경제상황 보고서
5. the Fed: 연방 준비 제도
6. underscore: 강조하다
-교재 59쪽 해설-
1. given~: ~을 고려했을 때
1. crosscurrents: 역류 *current 해류, 기류, 흐름
5. aggravate inflation: 인플레이션을 악화시키다
6. supports our notion: 우리의 생각/관념을 지지/뒷받침한다; *notion 생각, 관념
12. stagnant growth: 침체된 성장
18. decidedly: 확실히, 분명히
- 중략 -
- 연관검색어
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