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- Developing NGO, Business and Government ...
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- Developing NGO, Business and Government Partnerships
Lori. A. Forman
I have been asked to speak today about interactions between NGOs, businesses and government. While I will give some broad parameters for establishing these partnerships, I will use my organization The Nature Conservancy as an example. I am delighted to do that because I work for such an interesting NGO, and because I enjoy my work so. The only difficult part is that we have so many interactions with so many different government and business partners, that I could talk for weeks and still not cover it all. But I will do my best to keep my remarks brief, so we can leave plenty of time for discussion.
As was noted in the introduction, besides my NGO job, I am also a Visiting Professor at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan. I teach in the Law Faculty, where I teach courses on NGO management and on NGOs in international affairs. I have been teaching these courses for several years, and have developed quite a f...
- 연관검색어
#경제경영 성공회대 아시아NGO정보센터·아름다운재단·참여연대 / Developing NG
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