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- 산후우울 관리를 위한 건강정보서비스 시스템 운영 결과 분석 Evaluat...
- 본문일부/목차
- 산후우울 관리를 위한 건강정보서비스 시스템 운영 결과 분석
Evaluation of Web-Based Health Information Service System for the Management of Postpartum Depression
Jeong Yee Bae, Ph.D.
Department of Nursing, Inje University, Busan 614-735, jibai@inje.ac.kr
Abstract The purpose of the study is to analysis and evaluate of web-based health information service system for the management of postpartum depression users. Postpartum depression disturbs maternal-infant interaction and attachment. However, most postpartum depression patients ignore this problem and do not seek treatment. Thus author was conducted to development of a web-based health information service system (URL http www.inje.ac.kr sanhoo) for the management of postpartum depression in 1997. With this computerized system, mothers in the postpartum periods can check the level of postpartum depression using a personal computer. This system will go through each mother`s data and screen those who have abnormal values. In addition, this system include...
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#경제경영 산후우울 관리를 위한 건강정보서비스 시스템 운영 결과 분석 / 산후우울 관리를
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