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[자기소개서 ] 호텔매니저 영문 자기소개서_경력 샘플
호텔매니저 영문 자기소개서_경력 샘플.hwp
등록인 ladyyes
등록/수정일 08.10.27 / 08.10.27
문서분량 3 페이지
다운로드 2
- 같은분야 연관자료
- 보고서설명
- ㅜ
- 본문일부/목차
Seeking position as Hotel Manager.
○○○ Inn, San Diego, CA
Reservations Manager, January 1997 to Present
Controlled and balanced daily bookings and reservations. Trained staff concerning computerized reservation system. Inputted group tour requirements and information. Optimized room rate through variety of means to gain ADR and occupancy. Manager on duty.
○○○ Hotel, Oakland, CA
Guest Service Supervisor, August 1995 to January 1997
Responsibilities included training new front desk employees, conducting checking in and out of guests, and handling special customer requests.
○○○ Digital Corporation, San Diego, CA
Customer Support Agent, October 1994 to August 1995
Handled customer concerns and complaints. Researched technical issues for customers. Responsible for training Quality Assurance personnel on implementation of new software.
- 연관검색어
- 보상규정 및 환불정책
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