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- Sample. 38
Sara A. Athlete
Current Address: Permanent Address:
Vanderbilt University 123 Canebreak Blvd.
VU Station B #351234 Baltimore, MD 12345
Nashville, TN 37235-1234 123-234-5678
EDUCATION Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN
Bachelor of Arts, May 2003
Economics and Spanish majors
GPA: Economics 3.50/4.00, Spanish 3.00/4.00, Overall 3.20/4.00
JFK High School Baltimore, MD
June 1999 Top 10% of class
HONORS Dean’s List-Spring 2002
Alpha Lambda Delta-Freshman Academic Honorary, 2000
ACTIVITIES NCAA Division I Basketball-Team Captain, Lead members of team and insure that team works together harmoniously 2001-present. Member, Engage in teamwork and practice 20 hours a week, 1999-present. 2001 NCAA Tournament Elite 8 team.
Vuceptor-Team Leader of academic orientation program to ensure successful transition to college of ten incoming students, 2002
Alternative Spring Break-Site Leader, Coordinated team of 12 students.Constructed
wheelchair ramps for disabled veterans in Little Rock, AR, 2002; Participant, Built
homes for flood victims in Costa Rica, 2001
Rho Rho Rho Sorority- Philanthropic Chair, Developed philanthropic events designed to improve Nashville area and Vanderbilt campus, 2001. Member, 2000 Present
EXPERIENCE MicroDell Computer Corporation Austin, TX
Financial Analysis Intern, Summer 2002
Prepared cost-run analyses, weekly and monthly production reports. Issued product
close-out evaluations. Performed internal audit functions.
Vanderbilt University Recreation Center Nashville, TN
Equipment Inventory Assistant, Summer 2000
Assisted with keeping track and maintaining equipment for various sports.
Developed EXCEL database to help keep track of equipment.
Boscos Pizza Kitchen Nashville, TN
Host/Server, Summer 2000 Server, Summer, Fall 1999
Provided quality service to customers through both serving and hosting.
Camp Pawapi Baltimore, MD
Camp Counselor, Summers 1997 and 1998
Basketball instructor for girls ages 9-16. Gained leadership skills by mentoring
seven 11 year-old girls as a cabin counselor.
SKILLS & Computer Experience: Comprehensive knowledge of Microsoft Word,
INTERESTS Excel, and Powerpoint. Proficient in both written and spoken Spanish.
Certified SCUBA.
- 연관검색어
- 보상규정 및 환불정책
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