
3 페이지 까지 제공됩니다.
핀 배열에 따른 CPU 수냉 쿨러의 성능 향상의 열유동해석 (영어ppt 및 영어 레포트)
핀 배열에 따른 CPU 수냉 쿨러의.zip
등록인 steeve7777
등록/수정일 21.05.29 / 21.05.29
문서분량 60 페이지
다운로드 0
- 같은분야 연관자료
- 보고서설명
- 실제 열유동해석 프로그램 ANSYS를 이용하여 발표했던 ppt와 레포트 입니다.
자유 주제로 발표하였었고 ppt와 레포트 모두 영어 자료입니다.
실제 열유동해석실습에서 A+를 획득하였습니다.
- 본문일부/목차
1. Introduction
2. Method
3. Results
4. Conclusion
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Methods
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. Reference
Heat generated by electronic devices is fatal to electronic devices. Especially for CPUs, 70 degrees or higher can have a fatal adverse effect on the inside of the system. Therefore, we need to facilitate cooling of electronic devices, and we want to design a CPU liquid cooler, which is the cooling system of the CPU. Our goal is to improve the cooling performance of the CPU liquid cooler by changing the internal shape of the waterblock. It should be noted that the performance is improved by changing the structure of the Fin inside the waterblock. Six preferences have been made to create reliable models in various environments. Before we could change Fins structure, we had to find the number of optimized Fins. It is intuitive to predict that the more Fin, the more heat exchange with coolant, the lower the CPUs temperature of the CPU. However, there is a problem in which the internal coolant flow becomes unbalanced. It also went through the optimization phase because Fin cannot be created indefinitely. We have used the number of optimized pins to create the optimal design we want. We devise a more optimized model by investigating the streamline distribution while increasing the heat exchange performance by different batches of fin.
- 연관검색어
#열유동해석프로그램 발표자료
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