
3 페이지 까지 제공됩니다.
루이스 칸 프로젝트(유태인 바스하우스, 솔크연구소)
등록인 hyung88801
등록/수정일 15.11.26 / 15.11.26
문서분량 6 페이지
다운로드 0
- 같은분야 연관자료
- 보고서설명
- 세계적인 건축가로 유명한 루이스 칸의 건축물 분석에 대한 레포트 입니다. (영문 버젼)
루이스 칸이 설계한 건축물이 많지만 그 중에서 가장 건축사적으로도 중요한 건축물를 주로 다룹니다.
루이 스칸의 초기작인 유태인 바스하우스와 중 후반기의 건축 작품으로 솔크연구소를 다룹니다.
내용에 대한 것은 목차를 참고하시고, 고화질의 그림과 함께 들어있습니다.
- 본문일부/목차
1) Jewish Community Center, Bathhouse (1954~1959)
2) Salk Institute for Biological Studies (1959~1965)
Louis I. Kahn was born in Russian Estonia in 1901; he grew up in Philadelphia, where he was based throughout his career. An award-winning graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Kahn struggled to find work early in his career. In 1935 he was hired by Bauhaus-influenced architect Alfred Kastner to assist at Jersey Homesteads (called Roosevelt), a planned community built by the New Deal Resettlement Administration. Kahn’s work at Jersey Homesteads drew some notice, and afterwards he won a few modest commissions.In 1947 Kahn took a teaching position at Yale University, where he remained for eight years, before assuming a professorship at his alma mater. During a year at the American Academy in Rome in 1950, Kahn was inspired by the majesty of the ancient ruins he saw on travels in Italy, Louis Kahn sketch, Temple of Apollo Corinth Greece (1951)Greece, and Egypt. Back in the United States, Kahn received his first major commission—an extension to the Yale Art Gallery—in which he demonstrated that a modern
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