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[아주대]자동제어 프로젝트1
등록인 euop18
등록/수정일 11.12.30 / 11.12.30
문서분량 5 페이지
다운로드 0
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- 아주대학교 전자공학부 양상식 교수님의 자동제어 프로젝트1 입니다.
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1. 답안 ( 5 page) - Simulation시 사용한 MATLAB 코드가 스크린샷으로 제시되어 있습니다.
====================================해 당 문 제====================================
Hubble telescope pointing control
The orbiting Hubble space telescope is the most complex and expensive scientific instrument that has ever been built. Launched to 380miles above the earth on April 24, 1990, the telescope has pushed technology to new limit. The telescope’s 2.4 meter mirror has the smoothest surface of any mirror made, and its pointing system can center it on a dime 4000miles away. The mirror had a spherical aberration that was largely corrected during a space mission in December 1993. Consider the model of the telescope pointing system shown in Fig.1
Fig. 1. The Hubble telescope pointing system
The goal of the design is to choose K1 and K so that (1) the percent overshoot of the output to a step command, r(t), is less than or equal to 10 %, (2) the steady stat error to a ramp command is minimized, and (3) the effect of a step disturbance is reduced.
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