
3 페이지 까지 제공됩니다.
[아주대]확률및랜덤변수 프로젝트2
등록인 euop18
등록/수정일 11.12.30 / 11.12.30
문서분량 6 페이지
다운로드 0
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- 아주대학교 전자공학부 곽노준 교수님의 확률및랜덤변수 프로젝트2 입니다.
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해당 자료를 무단으로 배포할 시 법적 책임을 받을 수 있음을 경고합니다.
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(아래 문제에 해당하는)
1. 답안 (6 page)
====================================해 당 문 제=====================================
1. Simulate an exponential random variable with CDFas follows:
Let a T : U → X be a monotonically increasing transformation from a r.v. U uniformly distributed between [0,1] (i.e., U~U(0, 1)) to another r.v. X whose CDF is FX(x). It is clear that FU(u)=P(U≤u) = P(X≤T(u)). Let T = FX , then u = T-11(x) = FX(x) and it becomes FU(u) = FX(x). Therefore, we can obtain the outcome of a random variable by x = F-1X(u) where u is the outcome of U~U(0,1).
(a) Generate 1,000 uniformly distributed samples of U and plot the corresponding PDF figure using a histogram. Use the MATLAB function rand() to generate samples and set the number of bins as 50 in plotting the PDF.
(b) Write a MATLAB function randexp(lambda, m) that generates exponential random vector of
length m and arrival rate of lambda. This can be obtained by using the uniform random vector of the same length m. Set λ = 1, 10 and 100 and plot the corresponding PDFs using a histogram.
(c) In problem (b), find the estimate of sample mean and sample variance of the exponential random variable. (Set λ = 1, 10 and 100 with m= 10, 100 and 1000.)
2. Relationship of exponential and Gaussian distributions:
(a) Generate 1,000 samples whose PDF is normal (Gaussian) distribution N(10; 25) using the MAT-LAB function randn().
(b) Use the exponentially distributed samples obtained in problem 1 to generate normally distributed samples. Let R be an exponential random variable, i.e., R~ε(λ). Let X =cosθ and Y =sinθ , where θ~U(0, 2π). Plot Xs and Ys histogram. You will find and X and Y have normal distribution.
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