
3 페이지 까지 제공됩니다.
[아주대]확률및랜덤변수 프로젝트1
등록인 euop18
등록/수정일 11.12.30 / 11.12.30
문서분량 8 페이지
다운로드 2
- 같은분야 연관자료
- 보고서설명
- 아주대학교 전자공학부 곽노준 교수님의 확률및랜덤변수 프로젝트1 입니다.
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해당 자료를 무단으로 배포할 시 법적 책임을 받을 수 있음을 경고합니다.
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아래 문제에 해당하는
1. 답안 (8 page)
2. m 파일 (3 file )
====================================해 당 문 제=====================================
1. Simulate the experiment of a coin toss with P(head) = p as follows:
◾ Use rand() function to generate N random numbers uniformly distributed on [0,1]
◾ Treat the numbers less than p as tail and the other half as head.
◾ In this way, you can simulate coin toss experiment N times.
◾ Count the number of head out of the above N experiments and regard this as a realization of a random variable X.
(a) Set p = 0.5 and N = 10. Repeat the above procedure 10000 times.
(b) Repeat (a) with p=0.5 and N=100. (※ (a)와 Source가 같으므로 Source는 생략하겠습니다.)
(c) Repeat (a) with p=0.3 and N=10. (※ (a)와 Source가 같으므로 Source는 생략하겠습니다.)
(d) Repeat (a) with p=0.3 and N=100. (※ (a)와 Source가 같으므로 Source는 생략하겠습니다.)
2. Plot the following PMF of the binomial random variable X using MATLAB:
(a) Plot the corresponding PMF with N=10 and p=0.5.
(b) Plot the corresponding PMF with N=100 and p=0.5.
(c) Plot the corresponding PMF with N=10 and p=0.3.
(d) Plot the corresponding PMF with N=100 and p=0.3.
(e) Compare the exact PMFs of (a)-(d) with their estimates 1.(a)-1.(d).
3. The De Moivre-Laplace theorem is an approximation of the binomial distribution to a normal distribution, i.e.,
Here, q=1-p.
(a) Plot the PMF of binomial random variable with (N,p) = (200, 0.3).
(b) Plot the PDF of its corresponding normal distribution N(Np, Npq).
(c) Compare the two figures and discuss the central limit theorem.
(d) Discuss the relationship of the experimental results of problem 1 and the cental limit theorem.
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