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신자유주의가 1980년 이후 국제경제에 끼친 영향(Critically assess the impact of neoliberalism on the nature and operatio
신자유주의가 1980년 이후 국제경제.doc
등록인 coldsummer
등록/수정일 15.08.05 / 15.08.05
문서분량 11 페이지
다운로드 0
- 같은분야 연관자료
- 보고서설명
- 1980년 이후로 전 세계에 큰 영향을 미친 신 자유주의가 국제 경제에 미친 영향을 여러 가지 면에서 조명한 보고서이다. 외국 대학원 석사 과정 당시 작성한 영문 에세이(보고서)이다.
- 본문일부/목차
- 1. Introduction
i. What is neoliberalism?
ii. How and why has neoliberalism developed as a prominent economic theory since the early 1980s?
2. Uneven geographical development between the Global North and Global South
3. The impact of neoliberalism on the nature and operations of the international economy since the early 1980s
ii. Production
iii. Finance
Student number: 205
Essay Question: Critically assess the impact of neoliberalism on the nature and operations of the international economy since the early 980s.
. Introduction
Neoliberalism, which emphasises the importance of free trade and peaceful cooperation through international institutions, emerged as a dominant political economic theory in the early 980s and has continued until today. Neoliberals advocate globalisation, claiming that globalised economy will benefit every state in the world. (Lamy, 2005:220) The author will eamine how widespread neoliberalism has had an effect on the nature and operations of the international economy since the early 980s. First of all, the definition of `neoliberalism` will be briefly mentioned and how and why neoliberalism appeared as a prevailing economic foundation in the global economy will be eamined. Secondly, the impact of neoliberalism on the uneven development between global North and South will be considered, and lastly how neolibe
참고 자료
Altvater, Elmar and Birgit Mahnkopf, ‘’The world market unbound,’’ Review of International Political Economy 4:3 (1997), 448-471
Brett, E. A. The world economy since the war: The politics of uneven development(Macmillan,1985), introduction and ch.1
Bush, Ray, Poverty &Neoliberalism: Persistence and reproduction in the Global South(London, Pluto press, 2007), ch.1
Gilpin,R. The challenge of global capitalism: The world economy in the 21st century(Princeton University Press, 2000), introduction & ch.1
Glyn, Andrew, Captialism Unleased: Finance, globalisation, and welfare(New York, Oxford university press:2006),ch.4
- 연관검색어
#국제 관계 신 자유주의 국제 경제 영문 보고서 영문 리포트 외국 대학원 보고서
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