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  • 사회과학계열
  • ‘The rise of manufacturing in the developing world has undermined theoretical approaches which divid

  • ‘The rise of manufac.doc
  • 등록인 coldsummer
  • 등록/수정일 15.08.05 / 15.08.05
  • 문서분량 14 페이지
  • 다운로드 0
  • 구매평가
판매가격 3,000원
같은분야 연관자료
런던대학교 대학원에서 국제관계학 석사과정을 마치며 작성한 에세이, 영문 보고서입니다.
개발도상국에서의 제조업 부상이 세계를 중심과 주변으로 나누는 세계화 현상의 이론적 접근에 어떤 영향을 가져왔는 지를 조사 연구했습니다.

특히 중국과 한국의 제조업 분야 부상을 중점적으로 다루며 부국과 강국의 변화를 조명했습니다.
`Globalisation` has had controversial impact on the world. Pro-globalists claim that neo-liberal open trade policy and deregulation promote global economic growth and reduce poverty and inequality. On the other hand, anti-globalists argue that globalisation increases the gap between the global South and global North and makes the poor become poorer. In recent years, however, the world has witnessed the globalisation of manufacturing production, in particular, the increase of production in developing world.
The rise of manufacturing in the developing countries has imposed a significant effect on the world economy, but a cautious approach is needed to discuss whether it has challenged the division between the core and periphery of the world. Increased production in the developing world does not represent the shift of manufacturing from the core part to the periphery part of the world or the developing economies` integration into the developed world.
First of all, this essay examines the rise of manufacturing in the developing world and illustrates the case of China and as well as touching on South Korea. Secondly, the claim that the rise of production has undermined theoretical approaches which divide the world into core and periphery is discussed in terms of capital concentration and low value production. With these two factors, labour will be briefly considered. Finally, the conclusion indicates that the increase of manufacturing in the developing world does not lead to the convergence in the world economy, instead maintains or strengthen uneven development between the core and periphery part of the world.
참고 자료

Dicken, (1999) P ` global Shift- the role of US transnational Corporations` in Slater, D, and Taylor, P, The American Century: Consensus and Coercian in the Projection of American Power. (Blackwell)

Gereffi, G and Korzeniewicz, R (1994) Commodity Chains and Glocal Capitalism (Greenwood Press,)

Gibbon, P and Ponte, S (2005) Trading Down (Temple University Press)

Held, David, (2004) Global covenant: The social democratic alternative to the Washington Consensus(MA: Polity press)

Kiely, R. (2008) “Poverty`s Fall”/China`s Rise: Global Convergence or New Forms of Uneven Development?`, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 38, pp. 353-372

Kiely, R. (2008) `Poverty through `insufficient exploitation and/or globalisation`? Globalized production and new dualist fallacies`, Globalisations, Vo.5/3, pp. 419-32

Jenkins, R. (2004) `Globalisation, production, employment and poverty: debates and evidence` Journal of International Development. Vol. 16(1)

Kiely, R (1998) Industrialization and Development (UCL Press) Chs, 5 and 9

UNCTAD (2006) Trade and Investment Report (Geneva: UNCTAD)

UNCTAD (2007) Trade and Investment Report (Geneva: UNCTAD)
#세계의 공장 세계화 국제관계 빈부 격차 심화 양분화 globalisation


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