
3 페이지 까지 제공됩니다.

  • 사회과학계열
  • Question: Examine the arguments for and against the claim that globalisation is good for the poor.

  • Question Examine the.doc
  • 등록인 coldsummer
  • 등록/수정일 15.08.05 / 15.08.05
  • 문서분량 12 페이지
  • 다운로드 0
  • 구매평가
판매가격 3,000원
같은분야 연관자료
런던대학교 대학원 국제관계 석사 과정시 작성하여 제출한 중간 보고서입니다.
세계화가 가난한 국가에 좋은 것인가에 대해 연구조사한 에세이입니다.

우선 세계화에 대한 정의를 내리려고 시도했으며 빈국의 입장에서 세계화 찬반에 대해 논의를 했습니다.
The dominant view of globalisation is that it is good for everyone. Globalists such as Financial Times` Wolf, World Bank economists Dollar and Kraay claim that globalisation has reduced poverty and inequality and has promoted economic growth across the globe. Meanwhile, among many critics of globalisation, Wade argues that the dominant view ignores negative effects of globalisation and it relies on arbitrary data from the World Bank and the IMF. Along with the debate about the benefits of globalisation for the poor, there are also many ongoing discussions as to whether globalisation is a process or a theory, and it is a new or an old concept.
Therefore, the definition of globalisation needs to be clarified for this essay before starting to examine the pros and cons of globalisation for the poor. The most well known definition of globalisation may be `the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa` (Giddens, 1991: 64 – cited in Kiely, 2007: 77). In this essay, therefore, globalisation specifically refers to ‘a progressive force’ which is associated with neo-liberalism that emerged since the early 1980s (Kiely, 2007: 137).
참고 자료

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#영문 대학원 에세이 국제 관계 국제 정치와 경제 세계화 빈부격차 World Bank IMF


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