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[인문사회] CNN 번역하기 레포트 / CNN 번역하기 레포트 Bush to pledge
CNN 번역하기 레포트.hwp
등록인 lspeirs
등록/수정일 09.05.18 / 09.05.18
문서분량 1 페이지
다운로드 0
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- CNN 번역하기 레포트 Bush to pledge nation`s hel...
- 본문일부/목차
- CNN 번역하기 레포트
Bush to pledge nation`s help for Gulf Coast.
Federal government to lead rebuilding president will say
New Orleans Louisiana (CNN) - In a nationally televised address Thursday night. President Bush offered the people of New Orleans and the hurricane-ravaged Gulf coast the nation`s sympathy and reassured them that `in the journey ahead. you are not alone.`
The president also will say that the federal government will pay for most to the coasts to fix damage caused by Hurricane Katrina on August 29.
`Federal funds will cover the great majority for the costs of repairing public infrastructure in the disaster zone, from roads and bridges to schools and water systems.` he will say according to excerpts of the speech released in advance.
`Our goal is to get the work done quickly... And taxpayer expect this work to be done honestly and wisely, so we will have a team of inspector generals reviewing all expenditures.`
Bush was to say he would propose the creation ...
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#인문사회 CNN 번역하기 레포트 / CNN 번역하기 레포트 Bush to pledge
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